Episode 23

Is it better to Create Your Own Podcast or be a Podcast Guest? -23

Podcasting is touted as the next big thing, but how do you decide if it’s right for you? In this episode of Authenticity Amplified, host Shawna Rodrigues shares the strategic decision-making behind starting your own podcast versus guesting on others. Drawing from professional experience and personal journey, Shawna explores the pivotal considerations to determine your path, including business readiness and audience engagement. Get ready to cut through the podcasting noise and discover whether you should ride solo or collaborate as a guest. This episode is the ultimate guide for solopreneurs eager to amplify their authenticity and seize podcasting's potential. Will your voice be the next to echo through this dynamic, growing medium?

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Shawna Rodrigues [:

Have you been wrestling with a question of whether you should start your own podcast? Or maybe even thinking about, well, maybe just being a guest on other people's shows. Maybe you have heard that podcasting is the next big thing or the current big thing. And then you are listening to a podcast. Right? If you're not sure if the timing is right for you or which direction you should go, you're in the right place. Because today, we're diving into this crucial decision that could impact your business, your growth, and your visibility strategy. I am glad you are here.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Welcome to Authenticity Amplified, your resource for attracting and connecting to your ideal client, the go to podcast for entrepreneurs on the go to grow their business. I'm your host, Shawna Rodriguez, podcast strategist and the founder of the Solopreneur Sisterhood. I'm here to bring community to the entrepreneurial journey and learn alongside you as we tap into knowledge and insights from experts to help you grow your business. I know how much effort you put into your business, and this is useful and practical information coming straight to you wherever you are whenever you have the time to listen.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Today, we are cutting through the noise to help you, our purpose driven solopreneur, make a genuine impact through podcasting. I'm your host, Shawna Rodriguez. And today, we're going to tackle the question, one that I get asked all the time. Should I start my own podcast or should I focus on being a guest on other shows? You might be surprised by my answer. If you know me, you probably know that I own a podcast network and that I help purpose driven solopreneurs launch their podcast, the one they've been dreaming about. So you think that I'd be pushing you in that direction. I think statistically if I looked at it, I have probably encouraged more people to not start that podcast yet than I have said, Let's go. Let's roll.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Let's make this happen. Because starting your podcast is something I want you to be in the right place for, so that you have the optimal success with it, so that you keep doing it. Because pod fade is a real thing. There are so many statistics about how many podcasts end after three episodes or seven episodes. And I don't want you to get your podcast started, only to realize how much work it is, how much stress and overwhelm it is, and then walk away from it. So we wanna set you up to have the clarity, the focus of who your audience is, and have your business in the right place to be able to make your podcast the lasting testament you want it to be to why you started in the first place. We want you to break through. And part of that is the consistency and sticking with it for the longer term because that's how the growth happens, that's how you make the connections, and that's when your voice gets heard, you find your community, and things happen for podcast.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So let's start with my story. That's okay. When I launched my first podcast, The Grit Show, I knew nothing about podcasting. In fact, I originally thought The Grit Show was going to be a blog. I know that sounds so strange because, you know, show is right there in the title. However, podcasting wasn't something I was familiar with. If we go back to that time, podcasts weren't that common. I love it when I meet, especially a woman who has been in podcasting for a decade.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Because when they started, it was a much different landscape and figuring out how to get all the pieces connected was so much more complicated than it is now. I still often say that podcasting is still in its toddlerhood. It has a long ways to grow and go before it gets to adulthood. And part of that is evident by how much there is in the landscape. It makes it so that my job is exciting. At times nerve wracking because there's constant navigating what is just the next flash of the pan and what's gonna be here to stay. So as you're figuring out tools for the podcast in our network, as we're figuring out the tools that we're going to use and our strategies, things are constantly shifting because things are constantly shifting. Things haven't found their cadence, their path, their way forward because it's growing.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It's still becoming. There's that piece of you think of brain development. I also have a background in early childhood. You think of brain development, things are still expanding and contracting, and they haven't found their pace just yet. That means it's still exciting time to get into podcasting, which is why launching your podcast is a beautiful thing, But you haven't missed the boat yet, and there's still time for that. And you being where you need to be in the right space for that is paramount. That is key. We're gonna talk about where those things light up from business standpoint in a minute.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

But back to my story. So the grit show, it started from a conversation with a friend when I was going through a very challenging time, and they said, your life is a real show. They did not use the word grit. I'm sure you could figure out the word they did use. And I decided that, actually, my life was going to be a real grit show. It's going to be showing that even though light keeps liking me, we'll get to more of that by the end of this episode, that I managed to find the grit, the way to get through. And when I first was gonna start that podcast or that blog and had those thoughts, it was about the stories of all the things going wrong and the perspective of people that all the things go wrong. And then Abi realized the grit show is about who it's for.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

That title is about who it's calling to, the people that have the grit, the people that have been doing the work and showing they can get through the things after they've been on those wild rides. And then really, the show is about the tools and strategies to live a life with a little more ease and to be able to have that growth mindset and to have that grit to go through things, but to be ready to, like, take a breath and live life with a little more ease because that's where we wanna be going, which is part of the formula for the work I do with my clients is looking at who it's for, not just what it's about and how those things kinda come together. So it was beneficial to have that time so it could marinate and it could rise to the top of what it was really about and who it was really for and how those things came together because it did change. So it's nice to have that marinating time, the time that you're thinking about it. Appreciate that time. Value that time. Recognize that it's a process to launch a podcast, and most people take time to do just that, and it's not a bad thing. When I did launch the podcast and then it got to that summer, and I was ready to make this finally happen, I'd owned the equipment.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

I bought the equipment probably a year and a half before I launched. So I'd had the equipment, getting ready to finally make it happen, and I found this community of folks. There's probably 20 plus of us, probably around 24. They were meeting on a regular basis to talk about our podcast, get some advice for people who knew the research we're doing on our own, and kind of come together to mastermind in a way to figure out how to do this. Because community has always been something I value and something I helped to create, and I helped to bring that group together to do that. At the end of the summer, I launched mine in July, and no one else had launched theirs. To date, I know of at least, like, five that have launched out of that community. So it takes time.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Right? But for the most part, folks weren't launching their podcast. I went to a national convention for podcasters that summer because I was serious about podcasting, making this happen. Right? So we went to national convention and had that experience of feeling a little on the outside, things are a little off. I'd wondered if it was, you know, my first big event post pandemic. I've left my job before the pandemic to do consulting, write a novel, start a podcast. So I hadn't been to big trainings since I left my job. And but maybe that's why it felt so strange. And then, it was starting to become a little more clear.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

I was feeling out of place on the topics and then the conversations and a few different things. And then I heard it at a plenary that less than 27% of podcasts were hosted by women. And I looked around and realized this is why I fell out of place because I'm in the minority here. There is not women here. The topics we're discussing in these sessions aren't the topics I speak about on my podcast. This does feel foreign to me because it isn't a space created specifically for this. And that also had me reflect on the group of people that I started to go with to be able to launch podcast. And it was majorly and this is well.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It was primarily women. So it tracked. And that's why I started a podcast network because I recognized that I was, at that point, like, seven, twelve episodes in, and the eight to ten hours I was spending on editing all the other pieces of my podcast was draining and exhausting, and I wasn't gonna be able to keep it up. I was staying up late the night before things had to be published, trying to get them all done, and realizing that there was needed to be a different way. There needed to be a better path. There needs to be more options. My podcast network with that. It leveraged all the benefits of a network with the know how, someone showing you the way to help you get it done.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It was this beautiful thing that came out of it. Time, I've also recognized that you being in the right space, you being able to pay comfortably to have the supports to be able to launch, it makes such a huge difference in your success and the longevity of your podcast as well. So as I have the conversations with folks, there's plenty of folks to do it on their own. And if you're doing a hobby podcast, there's plenty of ways to do it on your own and make it simpler and easier and not worry about the growth and the projection of your podcast. And a lot more women in podcasting. And so my goal is to get you in, keep you in. And that's part of the reason why we wait sometimes. It also means that sometimes podcast guesting is a tool that is overlooked and an important tool because it's an important part of building.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

And we're all solopreneurs here. That's why we're having a conversation, right, that we're here today. And so we're looking at how podcasting isn't just for hosting your own show. That's a big, important, beautiful thing you can do. And there's benefits to that that we're going to discuss. However, podcast guesting is also part of that journey. And there's a series that I did in the fall that kind of looked at that as well that you can go back and listen to. I'll make sure those links are in the show notes.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So let's talk about being a podcast guest and when that is your best strategy as a business person, as a solopreneur. And overall, in general, having your podcast guest team strategy or podcast strategy in general is part of your messaging marketing strategy for your business bigger picture. And when the best fit is a podcast that you host, and when is being a guest on the podcast, maybe both, is for you to determine. And this conversation is to help you determine what is the best fit for where you're at. So oftentimes, one of the determining factors is how long you've been in business and where your business is at in its development. So podcast guesting is oftentimes an earlier strategy. Podcast guesting is an excellent strategy to help others get familiar with you. So that your audience can start to have an awareness of who you are and what you do and what you offer.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So going on to other podcast is having the opportunity to connect with their audiences And not just in a, you know, short ninety second reel or opposed they happen to flip by and see your your face in the picture. Right? It actually gives you to be able to talk and share stories and be able to share who you are in a way that you're more memorable. And it takes less for them to be able to connect with you and know about you and see you. There's a conversation that I had in the podcast episode that I did where I talk about different strategies for podcast guesting, and one of them is where you go on multiple shows at once. And I talked about how the TV show Landman had, like, bombarded my Instagram, like, literally one day. And so I had to pay attention. Otherwise, I never would have heard about TV show probably. But it was all over Instagram that day.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It might have been the whole week, but it did that day that I was on, I happened to see a bunch of things that piqued my curiosity. That was familiarity. Right? I got that familiarity. Then, recently, a friend mentioned that show to me. So because a friend mentioned the show after I had the familiarity, now I will probably watch that show. So it's a multi step process. Like, the familiarity is the first stage. If my friend had mentioned that show and I didn't have the familiarity, I probably wouldn't have heard the name of the show she mentioned when she mentioned it.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

The recommendation doesn't take root if there's not a familiarity with it. Podcast guesting gives you the familiarity. When there's a recommendation, when they run across it organically somewhere else, then they actually will take action with it. Having that familiarity is an important piece. Podcast guesting helps with that familiarity piece. Kind of knowing where you're at with your marketing strategy and you're building your business strategy, that's very helpful. It's very much like in your first few years of business, that's the time and the place that that's where you want to be is when you're building that familiarity. It's also when your email list is in growth mode.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Because when you have something to give away to this audience for free, because you're not an emo to sell to them, they don't know you. There was somebody else on the show last week that might've been trying to sell to them. They're not gonna buy them. They're probably buying from the host. Right? So you're not trying to sell when you're podcast guesting. You're very much trying to get them to get to know you and offering them a awesome bonus free item that they can then get on your email list from that and get to know you and build a relationship with you, then that's the best strategy to be using for the the podcast guest. And you're at that stage of trying to build your email list. Podcast guest is a great strategy for that.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

And it'll bring in those new subscribers and be able to nurture them and get to know them better as well. So it's for where you're actively seeking your audience and actively trying to reach out and connect to folks. So when you're still trying to get to that consistent 10 ks month, still trying to build. So a lot of folks listening to this podcast are probably in this stage looking for that. So podcast guesting is a very strong strategy for you. Also helpful when you're building your network, when you're fine tuning your message and your offers, so you're still trying to like dial everything in, and figure out what's working best because it allows you to test things out just a little bit. It can be great when you're trying to get backlinks, because when you go on other podcasts, your information goes into their show notes, and that information goes out when all the platforms are connected to you. So it gives you more authority with Google and everything else to come back to your website, to come back to your Instagram, to come back to wherever you're trying to direct folks.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So you get to have more pathways in and more authority of your pathways in because they're going out to multiple places on the web because they go out on their show notes. And just giving you that networking opportunity because every time you're on a podcast, you can tell a little conversation before you start recording till, like and they're gonna be familiar with what you do. And you might see how you guys can partner and connect better and support each other and build each other up because we're all about building each other up. Right? So that's when bucket guesting could be a really important part of what you're doing. And we have a four part series coming up in March where we talk more about how you can really leverage knowing what things to talk about in the podcast, how to find the right podcast, like, how to do all those connections. But first, you have to know if that's a really good strategy for you and where you're at in your business to be on those podcasts. So I definitely recommend if this is all resonating with you, you're like, oh my gosh, that's where I am. This is what I need.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Then definitely check out the link to get into the series, the four part series on podcast guessing because it will be incredibly valuable for you. So what about hosting your own show? Maybe that's been something that's been needling at you. You've been thinking about this for a while. Like, I would love to have my own podcast. And I want you to have your own podcast, especially if you're a woman because we don't have enough women voices in podcasting, which also means we don't have enough of the things women would be thinking of and talking about and that women want to hear. So as much as we have 40% of podcast listeners are women, we only have less than a third of podcast host as women, and that's a disconnect. Because as much as I listen to men that host podcast, I also want the opportunity to listen to a podcast on menopause or perimenopause or parenting as a young mother. Not me, but somebody else probably wants that topic.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

There's less spoken about by a woman. Right? And so there's lots of topics that we need to be able to dial into and speak more on that you might have the voice for. And it's valuable to have you speak on that. So what you have to share in the community and the niche that you're in is something that can offer value to the community. And finding that alignment with your business, I think, is very important to see how all those pieces come together. And that's a valuable thing that I work a lot my community on with the podcasters that we work with is finding their authentic voice and the alignment with what they wanna talk about, what they have to say, and how that fits in with their podcast and with their business decisions so that everything is aligned up. So having a podcast is, like, when you can have that alignment, and when you're in that place and have more of that clarity. And it is possible that to have all that, you need to be in a place where you can afford to have a partner that doesn't need to be myself and my network.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

There are other folks that do production, do support, surround podcast, and strategy too. But then you can have that thought partner so you can come out of the gate doing, knowing, and being where you wanna be. So it's a point of joy, and a point of giving and connecting and having impact, and it's something you want to be doing instead of dreading and overwhelmed by and stressed by and having to eliminate because it's too much of a certain point. Right? So to be able to give it what it needs and be in a place where it can be that. And so that might be that you need to wait until it can be that. And that's what we have a lot of patience and honoring for, authentic connections, because we wanna make sure that you're doing it when you want to and you're ready to, and it can be all it can be for you. And we're the supports to make that happen for you. So it's very much the Avidice once you have your list.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So, again, if you have an email list of it could be as little as 200, but probably 500 ideal clients on your mailing list. And that's ideal clients. So people you know are interested in what you do. If you talk to mothers about breastfeeding and working with their young child, they're all mothers that are of young children that are looking at breastfeeding and doing that. Instead of like, well, I've done a few workshops, and I think some of them are my ideal, but just a lot of names. I'm not sure who's in there. So you just have a lot of names. You're not sure if they're ideal and dialed into what your offers are, what your business does, and what your purpose and mission are.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Then you wanna have a broader list. Then you wanna have a list of 750 or 1,200 or 1,500 potential clients on this. You want a bigger list if you don't know if they're, like, dialed in and interested in what you're doing and the impact you wanna have in the works you wanna do. But if you know that these are, like, I work with animals and I work with training dogs, and everyone on this list is interested in dog training, and exactly what I do. And so this is my exact list. Or I work with women in who have children that are going out to college, and working with them on the transition of getting the supports to get their kids off to college and then what they're doing with their life. And this is exactly who I work with, and this is all folks like that. Then if you could have a much smaller list and still have the engagement your podcast, and the work that you're doing, and build from there.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Right? So it's valuable to have that. If you already have that, and if you don't have that yet, then maybe it's good to go out and talk much from podcasting, like, get that list that can come through that, like, giving them an offer and getting them on your list. You can find those folks. And so if you're in that place and you're consistently meeting your revenue goals, so you're not, like, stressed about paying for things and things solely in your business, so you're ready to focus on the podcast, then you are there. And if your offer is crystal clear, so you're like, this is what I offer. I offer coaching on how to get your child into the college they're interested in. And this is what I do, and my coaching offer is very clear. And my and it's and it sells like this, and this is when I do my stuff.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So everything's kind of running, and then you're ready to just find ways to bring more people in and build on that, then that's where you wanna be. Because everything is dialed in, and you're ready to amplify. Because really, that point with having your podcast is when you're ready for your platform to amplify, instead of you still finding your footing. And when you're on Podcast with the Guest, it's okay if you're still finding your footing a little bit. Right? It's nice to know that this is your next workshop coming up. This is your freebie that you have, but you're still not getting the consistency just yet. You're still building, the thing is automated. You're still on your way, and that's great for guesting.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

But once you have your podcast, you want to have it at a place that things are ready to flow. And you're ready to be in that place to be able to just turn up the volume and turn things up. And that's when you're ready to have your podcast and have a little more freedom with your podcast. And if you already have a podcast and you're listening to this, and you're like, wait a minute. I don't have that yet. That's okay. Like but give yourself less pressure with your podcast so you don't get burnout in your podcast until you get those pieces and then turn up the volume on your podcast. Like, be willing to go back to for your episodes or make it not a strain.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Like, focus on not burning yourself out on the podcast and turn it up once you get those other things stabilized. Because I want you to have your business be what it can be and serve you in the ways you need it to, and not have your podcast be distraction and a stress that takes away from that. And to find that balance and find that way to make that all work. Or make sense. So we need to find a way to make all happen. But if all those things, if those things are there, then you're ready. You're ready for your podcast. And so that's when you're ready to either find somebody to partner with to help launch it, learn this stuff on your own, or go that direction and make that happen.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

And so it's good for you to take that step back and see, like, where am I? Am I ready for this? And is this idea in alignment with my business? Or is my business sailing and only taking me fifteen, twelve hours a week? And I want to start a podcast with my girlfriend about something I'm interested and think is fun, and I can do this more as a hobby. And then I don't have the pressures for all these other pieces. Like, you figure out what you need. This is for solopreneurs, and so our focus is aligned with business. But you can do those other pieces once you get everything else kind of alignment figured out. Right? Because hosting your own show is a significant commitment, and it's not just about consistently recording. It's about having that consistent value and that connection and seeing your audience as a community that you're connecting with and building and wanna be connected to and building and able to offer those pieces to and have that impact with. And you'll find the time and the space, and just trust that you'll have that.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So speaking of the importance of commitment and how much these fabulous podcasts take, I do have something important to share with you. I love Authenticity Amplified. This podcast has been the podcast that's aligned in my business that I've wanted to launch for it probably took probably took a year and a half to launch. The other one probably took three years, and this one took a year and a half. Right? So the growth show took that long. This one took a year and a half to launch. And we finally got launched. And it was a challenge in the fall.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

There's so many things that kept happening that was making it challenging to launch. So glad it's out there. So glad this content is out there. And the beautiful thing is once that content is out there, you might be listening to this six months from now, a year from now. And so once it's out there, it's availability and your ability to direct people to it doesn't go away. So it serves its purpose long after the day you hit publish, unlike things that get buried on social media and other mediums. Right? So it's a constant tool, which is amazing. However, we've also talked about the commitment and the time that it takes, even when you have other supports.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So for me, similar to the other folks for my network, my primary duty with this is coming up with the show ideas, coming up with guests if I'm having them, coordinate the guest to record, doing the recording, and turning this stuff all over with the notes for other people to help me handle and publish because I do have a team that I work with because they have a podcast network. So my work is minimal compared to somebody who does all of the work themselves, and compared to when I started my first podcast and did all the work myself. It's a video podcast, so it does have an extra element that I have to record on days that I can be on camera and different things line up for them as well. Right? And with guests, it's a little bit more work and other elements that go with it. Additionally, you may have noticed this. If you watch the videos, which you can watch on my website or you can watch on YouTube, the quality there was a significant different quality, and I hope we resolved for this, and there's some more steps to resolve further. But I live in a rural area that has horrible Internet that I have little snow control over. And all of the recording platforms utilize, they record online.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So even when they do local recording, they're using stuff online. So, consequently, it can be a mess, and it has been a mess. And it's unfortunate because I have great editors, and then, of course, their editing doesn't look as good because it's being they're editing poor quality video, and so that's also been a stress. Amusingly, I don't know if amusing is the right word, it's been in line when they've had other stuff going off. It's almost like the universe going, hey, take a break. Take a break. And like I said, we take this off seriously. So I actually was just diagnosed about two, two and a half weeks ago now with breast cancer.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

I need to take a step back from a number of things in my work in order to spend at least six months to be able to go through all of the surgeries and treatment processes that are needed to get me well and get me back on track. And so this podcast, especially because it's video, and it takes, and it's weekly. My podcast at Grit Show is every other week, is going to be something that I take a step back for six months. And so like we said, serious commitment during these podcasts. Right? And the beautiful thing is I can come back to it after six months and pick that up. And I have 24 Ruby 24 episodes when I do step back that folks can go back to and listen to and be able to get that content and get those benefits because we work for Apple Podcast. Even if somebody has listened to all 24 of the ones, they can go back and there's at least I need to count that up. I think there's at least, like, 15 or 18 bonus episodes that are part of that.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So there's still content that folks can consume during the six months that I've stepped away and get value from that ego when I'm gone. But it's one of those things that with podcasting, having your own show means then planning for those type of things. During this time, because there is a bit of a window where I'm last week, I literally had ten hours worth of medical appointments, which is I mean, anyone who has serious medical stuff going on understands that. I think I was surprised by that, because I feel well again. I have I may have breast cancer, but it was found through a mammogram. And so it's not something that I discovered it because I was so tired, and I haven't been feeling well for a considerable amount of time. Right? So I still feel good, but the mental toll is exhausting and takes a lot out of me as well. And then ten hours of appointments when you're still working to get a certain amount as a solopreneur and trying to plan for shifting your work is also considerable.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So as I take that six month hiatus, this podcast will be on pause for that time. So that is something that you need to do if things shift. But I'm still so glad that I've done it for this period and have this content available for folks to be able to consume even when I'm not around. And I will be able to do some podcast guesting before I go on lead to direct some peep some pieces. And my workshop in podcast guesting is, like, the last thing I'll do before I have my surgery, and I'm going to be out for a considerable amount of time. So that being said, podcast amazing to have your own podcast. It's amazing to be in that place in your business to be able to have that focus and that connection with everything, and it is a big commitment once you do take her on. So before we wrap up, I do wanna remind you again that if you are interested in the podcast guesting workshop, March, there's early bird pricing for that through February 14.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So jump on the links or in the show notes, and you can get hooked up for that. That will be live. It will probably go on to a evergreen version of the works of the series. It's a four part series with an evergreen version that you can get after that. So I'm pretty sure you though I totally tried again to the live because it has been amazing. The last time I did it, I had such a great time connecting with everybody in there and learning and gaining from them. And this time we're doing it slightly different because it will be recorded for the evergreen piece. So the first forty five minutes will be presenting, and the last fifteen minutes will be more of that conversation question portion versus having it sprinkled as much throughout as it typically was done in the past.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So definitely check out that. I think that'll be very helpful in your journey. It goes a lot into the storytelling component, and I am an internationally best selling author. And I put a lot of effort into the storytelling components of podcasting and podcasting that I think is magical for being able to connect when you're just being a guest in that time, and also syncing through a lot of the important pieces about making the impact of their podcast guesting. We'll talk a little bit more about that on the Apple Podcasts piece. And so don't forget that if you are a subscriber for Apple Podcasts, that premium content this week is about the podcast guesting and some really great tips and insight about doing that as well that I think you'll get a lot out of, and of course, you build more on that in the workshop as well. So those are both things to consider doing and getting more information on. And if you are someone who, like, you're ready to launch, you're really interested in having your own podcast, And I do typically we'll see how much that lasts after I've been out, what kind of capacity I have.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

But I do try to set aside twenty minute calls for women who are interested in starting their own podcast to talk to them about where they're at and what they need, and if there is a good path forward for them to work with the network, or if there's a better path forward for them to do something else. And so just find me on Instagram, and send me a DM with the words ready to launch, and we'll see about setting up that call. I will be out for at least four to six months, and so those calls will not happen during that time. But that is something that we can definitely have those conversations with you at some point in time if that's something you're interested in doing because we want many women in podcasting as possible because your story each story is very unique. Each conversation is unique, and each thing you have to bring to the table something we don't want. Look, listen. There's somebody who needs to hear what you have to say the way only you can say it, and that's important. And just trust the divine timing and the alignment with your business that the stuff will come together when it's supposed to, and don't second guess or shame yourself that it hasn't happened yet.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It's just not the right timing and that you showing up authentically and the way you are in the place you are to serve your audience with value is probably the most important thing you can do. So thank you for being here. We'll have one more episode next week, and then we'll take a little bit of a break. And, hopefully, I'll be back again, LaValle. I'm glad you're part of this, and I'm glad you keep showing up as your authentic self and keep making time to grow your impact and grow your work.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Isn't there so much to learn on our entrepreneurial journey. Thanks for spending time with me here on Authenticity Amplified. Be sure to hit that button to follow or subscribe. So you'll be alerted as new episodes are released here in this first month, they're coming out frequently. If you are a solopreneur and want to get to be part of this podcast launch, we are doing a fun activity with authentic business voices. Go check it out on YouTube. The link is in the show notes. And if you go to bit.ly/authenticbv

Shawna Rodrigues [:

You can grab a quick time to record your video with me and be part of this fun event as our launch. I'd love to meet you. Entrepreneurship can feel like an isolating journey. After all, 80% of small businesses are solopreneurs. That doesn't mean you had to do it alone though. We're here every week to be part of this adventure with you. Until next time.

About the Podcast

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Authenticity Amplified
Successful Marketing Strategy, Mindset, & How to Grow Your Business for Purpose-Driven Solopreneurs

About your host

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Shawna Rodrigues

Shawna Rodrigues helps purpose-driven solopreneurs connect to their ideal clients through podcasting. At the base, she is a Podcast Strategist who stumbled into podcasting by her love of talking and her desire to make an impact. Her top-rated podcast, The Grit Show, is where it began and creates a community around purpose, alignment, and growth. After learning the abysmal fact that women host less than 1/3 of podcasts, she founded the Authentic Connections Network where she and her team help guide women through the journey (while handling production) of launching their podcasts. In this work, she realized she wanted to go further upstream and support solopreneurs to build solid businesses and her latest podcast, Authenticity Amplified, and the Solopreneur Sisterhood community came into being. She is a purpose-driven solopreneur who knows this road and the many hats it takes to build a successful business. Her growth mindset, decades of building communities, and supporting others, paired with her gifts of expert guests and constant need for creative marketing strategy set her up well for these opportunities. Find her on Instagram- @ShawnaPodcasts and @37by27.